You Never Know Where You’re Going to Find Beautiful Wildlife reminds readers to be vigilant when looking for wildlife specimens. It goes on to give the example of the author’s encounter with some common buckeye butterflies, and tells a bit about them.
Hey, Hey, Hey, It’s National Reptile Awareness Day! introduces the day and explains which animals are being celebrated. It goes on to recommend ways that you can have fun and celebrate this important day.
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Advantages and Disadvantages of the Beautiful Water Hyacinth explains why this highly invasive, nonnative plant is so bad for the environment. It then also some of the many uses that this plant has.
The Common Eastern Bumblebee is a Powerful Pollinator discusses the life cycle and the life style of the most common bumblebee in eastern North America. It also explains why these bees are such great pollinators that they are sometimes raised for use in agriculture.
The Gulf Fritillary is One of Florida’s Most Spectacular Butterflies shows multiple images of the gorgeous adult butterfly and the caterpillar and tells readers about the butterfly’s unique lifestyle. It also discusses it’s range and habitat so that you will know where to find them yourself.
The Radiant Afternoon Sun as Seen Through a Palm Frond
Spotted Bee Balm is a Beautiful and Complex Fall Flower discusses the complex structure of this pretty member of the mint family. It then goes on to explain the various uses that this plant has.
The Yellow Garden Spider is Great for Gardens and Yards discusses the lifestyle of this beautiful spider and how it is similar to and different from other orb weavers. It also explains why these spiders are great for gardens.
Panicled Leaf Ticktrefoil is Incredibly Useful to People and Wildlife discusses the various uses for this beautiful plant for both people and for wildlife. It also talks about the sticky seeds that these plants are famous for.
The Slender Meadow Katydid is a Well Hidden Wildlife Gem explains why this common insect is rarely seen by most people. It also gives information about the lifestyle and lifecycle of the katydid.
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