Rain Can Produce Beautiful Images in Nature Photography shows two images taken after an afternoon thunderstorm in a patch of passion fruit vines. Both images include water droplets and the text explains the author’s motivation for taking them.
The Delicate Intricacy of a Spider’s Web is a Beautiful Thing tells the background story behind today’s featured image and discusses some of the functions of spider’s silk.
Photo Ideas Can Come From the Most Unusual Places explains the authors motivation behind the featured image.
It’s the Season for Impressively Beautiful Sunrises introduces today’s photo and explains the author’s motivation and feelings about the image.
Even My Least Favorite Animals Do Have Great Uses introduces readers to the most common of Florida’s three scorpions. It discusses the author’s experiences with them and some of their basic life history.
The Blue Dasher is a Beautiful Fall Visitor describes the author’s encounter with a male blue dasher dragonfly. It then goes on to give readers a few facts about these interesting insects..
Summer’s Beautiful Flowers are Fading into Autumn’s Important Seeds tells the story behind the photograph entitled “Entwined”, and reminds readers that the seeds are just as important as the flowers.
Florida Has Yet Another Interesting and Useful Weed introduces readers to the hyssopleaf thoroughwort plant, a member of the aster family. It goes on to explain the various ways that this plant is useful.
Enjoy the Amazing Creativity of International Artist’s Day honors artists and creators in all media. This blog gives some history about the day and recommends ways that people can celebrate.
It’s an Important Day; the International Day of Climate Action gives a short history of climate related science and activism. It then explains how you can celebrate today and how n days to come.
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