There’s Plenty of Majesty in the Beautiful Pine Flatwoods
There’s Plenty of Majesty in the Beautiful Pine Flatwoods discusses the pine flatwoods habitat and the author’s experiences there that led to tonight’s featured images.
There’s Plenty of Majesty in the Beautiful Pine Flatwoods discusses the pine flatwoods habitat and the author’s experiences there that led to tonight’s featured images.
In the South, Even Fall Can Have Beautiful Wildflowers describes the author’s trip to the pine flatwoods and shows photos of the beautiful Elliott’s aster. It also gives readers some interesting facts about the plants.
More About My Beautiful Friend the American Bullfrog tells readers about the author’s encounter with a juvenile female American bullfrog. It then explains how to tell a juvenile from an adult and a male from a female. It also gives a few more facts about these frogs.
On the Grass In Ancient Greek mythology there is a story about an old, grizzled and unattractive boatman who had...
Even Small Things Can Hold Great Beauty and Intrigue explains the author’s motivation for tonight’s featured image, a macro photo of a manatee tree snail and it’s eyes.
Red Mangroves Provide Great Advantages to Their Ecosystem explains to readers how red mangrove trees create a micro ecosystem called a mangal. It also discusses several unique features of red mangrove trees.
The Grasshopper Bee Fly is a Wonderful Pollinator tells readers about the author’s unusual encounter with a grasshopper bee fly. It also gives readers some facts about this species and bee flies in general.
The Colorful Red Bull Assassin is Great for Pest Control discusses the Red Bull assassin bug and assassin bugs in general. It also tells the story of the author’s interactions with this particular bug.
Rain Can Produce Beautiful Images in Nature Photography shows two images taken after an afternoon thunderstorm in a patch of passion fruit vines. Both images include water droplets and the text explains the author’s motivation for taking them.
The Delicate Intricacy of a Spider’s Web is a Beautiful Thing tells the background story behind today’s featured image and discusses some of the functions of spider’s silk.
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