How’s About One More Beautiful Afternoon Moon?
Almost Full This is another somewhat old image that needed a bit of work. As I said yesterday, whenever I...
Almost Full This is another somewhat old image that needed a bit of work. As I said yesterday, whenever I...
Afternoon Moon Glow I love it when the conditions are right to see the moon in the late afternoon. We...
Earthshine One of the many things that I really enjoy reading is an astronomy newsletter that alerts readers to various...
A Colorful Sundown Means Time to Roost for Many Birds shows readers a small flock of white ibis headed for their roosting grounds at sunset. It explains how the author/artist was able to get the shot and why she decided to take it.
The February Full Moon was Bright, High Above the Trees features an image of February’s bright full moon as it rose above the trees. It discusses the author/artist’s use of a telephoto lens to capture the shot.
The Night Sky is a Great Start to Make a New Artwork features a digital artwork that began as a photograph and was added to by drawing. It explains the process that the author/artist used to reach the final result.
The First Full Moon of 2023 was Especially Beautiful shows readers an image of the rising full moon that the author/artist took while stuck in a traffic jam. It was taken from the rear view mirror.
Can You Soar the Whole Way to the Moon? This evening’s post features a soaring black vulture in late afternoon, just as the moon is beginning to rise. It gives the impression that the bird is attempting to soar to the moon.
October is a Great Month for a Beautiful Full Moon shows readers a full moon setting in the western sky just as the sun is beginning to rise. It explains how this gorgeous setting made the author feel in that lovely setting.
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