The Fine Backed Red Paper Wasp is Known to be a Great Fall Pollinator
Red in the Tamarisk Recently, I took a hike in Gothe State Forest that led me to a large patch...
Red in the Tamarisk Recently, I took a hike in Gothe State Forest that led me to a large patch...
Black Beauty The winged sumac flowers have come and gone, but they’re not forgotten. Back in September, when they were...
Thynnid in the Tamarisk When I went hiking last weekend I found a huge patch of tamarisk flowers (Tamarix sp.)...
Eastern Pondhawks are Colorful Dragonflies and Great Hunters features a female Eastern pondhawk that was hunting on the author/artist’s property. It explains why she likes them so much and gives a few facts about them.
It’s Lovebug Season and These Little Guys are Everywhere reminds readers that although they can be annoying, lovebugs are actually great for the environment. It explains what they do that makes them so good.
Long Legged Flies are Pretty and Helpful shows readers photos of one of Florida’s prettiest little flies. It also explains how useful these guys are and why they’re great to have around.
Common Longhorn Bees are Really Great Fall Pollinators shows readers a bee that is one of the earliest signs that fall is on its way. It explains some basic facts that are known about them. Finally, it tells readers where these bees were found.
Here’s Yet Another Interesting Pollinator that Can be Found on Tickseeds shows a great golden digger wasps that was photographing on a day when there were many insects out and enjoying the flowers.
Regal Jumping Spiders Can Be Big and Colorful features a beautiful specimen of a regal jumping spider that the author/artist recently encountered. It explains why she like jumping spiders so much, and especially regal jumping spiders.
Arrowleaf Sida is Little but Exceptionally Colorful features two recent images of these pretty summer wildflowers. It explains why the author/artist took these photos and why these flowers are special to her.
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