The Important Link Between the Environment and Our Future reminds readers of the importance of the environment in life today and in the future. It warns that without better stewardship of our environment we will destroy things for future generations.
It’s Been a Year Since Our Amazing Alaskan Adventure tells readers about some of the author/artist’s memories of her trip to Alaska last September. It touches on highlights of the trip and some of her impressions of Alaska and it’s people.
A Great Start to Another Beautiful Day shows readers the sunrise from last Friday morning. It explains why the author/artist decided to go see the sunrise and how she felt.
I Love it When the Sun Lights Up the Grasses features an early morning photo of a patch of Cogon grass almost glowing as the sun shines on it. It explains why the author/artist was there and why she shot the photo.
Sunset Can be Exceptionally Beautiful Over a Salt Marsh shows readers a panoramic landscape view of a sunset over a Florida salt marsh. It tells the story of how the author/artist found the spot to take this shot.
Tickseeds Really are Pretty Much Everywhere Now features a photo of a field full of Leavenworth’s tickseed flowers. It explains why the author/artist had to stop to take the picture.
A Colorful Sunset at the Beach is Iconic Florida shows readers a beautiful sunset in Cedar Key, Florida. It explains why many people think of the beach when they think of Florida and why the author/artist enjoys Cedar Key.
Swamps Can Be Beautiful in the Early Light features a photo taken near the author/artist’s home. It tells the story of how and why the artist chose this place to photograph.
The Late Afternoon Sun Produces Beautiful Effects Over the Water features a photograph taken at Lake Wauberg in Payne’s Prairie State Park. It discusses the author/artist’s experience there.
A Field Full of Phlox Flowers is Quite Beautiful follows up on a previous post that showed several color types of phlox flowers. It shows an open field that is filled with these colorful flowers.
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