A Common Merganser Enjoys the Beautiful, Restful Morning shows this bird resting peaceful on a small outcropping of land in an Alaskan lake. It gives readers a good idea of the bird in it’s natural habitat.
The Alaskan Mud Flats are Beautiful but Quite Dangerous shows readers several views of the Alaskan mud flats around Turnagain Arm near Anchorage. It tells readers about some of the wildlife and some of the history and dangers of the region.
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Alaska in the Fall is a Colorful and Beautiful Time of Year shows readers a few fall landscapes from around the Anchorage, Alaska area. It also talks a bit about fall colors and which trees produce what colors.
Florida is Famous for It’s Amazing, Colorful Sunsets shows readers an awesome sunset from the Sunshine State. It’s not your stereotypical Florida sunset since it is set in the woods not the beach, but it’s still quite beautiful.
The Early Bird Catches the Beautiful Sunrise shows readers a beautiful Florida sunrise along with a single bird who is literally up before the sun.
I Hope You Have a Wonderful Memorial Day! wishes all readers a happy holiday and explains what the holiday celebrates. It also offers several suggestions for ways to celebrate. It then shows several nature photos taken in one of our State Parks.
A Foggy Morning Can Make for a Great Sunrise shows readers a beautiful Florida sunrise on a morning with thick fog.
It’s President’s Day! Let’s Celebrate gives a very brief history of President’s Day and urges readers to celebrate American history.
Sunsets and Sunrises Make Great Subjects for Landscape Photos discusses landscape photography in general, and why sunsets and sunrises make great photo subjects.
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