Lantana Flowers are Beautiful and Come in Many Colors
Resplendent Lantana (Lantana camara) flowers tend to be a favorite amongst gardeners due to their variety of colors and their...
Resplendent Lantana (Lantana camara) flowers tend to be a favorite amongst gardeners due to their variety of colors and their...
Grasses are Beautiful When Perfectly Lit Up features a large spray of Johnson grass as it picks up the last of the afternoon light at dusk.
Egyptian Grass is a Hearty, Useful, and Beautiful Forage tells readers about all the possible uses for this incredible grass. It also discusses the fact that it can be invasive and shows readers an image of what it looks like.
Mimosas Produce a Beautiful, Fluffy Spring Flower reminds readers of the beauty of the late spring flowers of the mimosa tree. It also tells readers about the bright green seed pods that will arrive in fall and are the end stage of these lovely flowers.
White Sweetclover is Beautiful and Useful, but Can be Invasive gives readers both the pros and the cons of this non-native wildflower. It also shows readers several images of this beautiful plant.
Garden Valerian is a Useful but Invasive Herb discusses garden valerian both as a potentially invasive weed escaped from gardens and as an edible, medicinal herb. Like many other things in nature it can be both good and bad.
Japanese Bristlegrass is Great for Wildlife discusses this grass as an invasive weed that can be problematic for crops. It also explains to readers how it provides food for quite a few types of wildlife, and even for people.
Advantages and Disadvantages of the Beautiful Water Hyacinth explains why this highly invasive, nonnative plant is so bad for the environment. It then also some of the many uses that this plant has.
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