Florida has Plenty of Big, Colorful Dragonflies
Red Glow With all of our swamps, streams, lakes, rivers, and ponds, it’s not surprising that we have more than...
Red Glow With all of our swamps, streams, lakes, rivers, and ponds, it’s not surprising that we have more than...
Big Bumble Last week when I was out there, the roadside in front of the cattle egret rookery was filled...
Brown Wings Up until very recently, there have been a lot of these cute little male brown winged sweat bees...
Changing Even though the main attraction of the cattle egret rookery is the birds, they are far from the only...
Ilia Underwing This little beauty was taking her afternoon siesta on the wall of my dog house one afternoon. I...
Flitting Fritillary A short time ago I showed everyone the spiky orange caterpillar of the gulf fritillary butterfly (Agraulis vanillae),...
Arrival Central Florida provides a good environment for growing quite a few types of flowering trees and our rural area...
A Dash of Gold As I have mentioned before, there seem to be a lot of blue dashers around this...
In Hot Persuit Another interesting aspect of having found a tree that the Palamedes swallowtails (Papilio palamedes) absolutely love is...
Life on Passion Fruit I had been starting to wonder if I was going to get any passion fruit vines...
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