The Beautiful Eastern Lubber Grasshoppers are Growing Up! features photos of a more mature instar of the Eastern lubber grasshopper than shown earlier. It also tells of the author’s encounters with the beautiful insects.
Metric Paper Wasps are Nonaggressive and Great for Your Garden! tells readers a bit about paper wasps in general and the metric paper wasp specifically. It also explains why they are good for gardens.
Fir Tussock Moth Caterpillars: Beautiful to Watch, But Don’t Touch! tells the story of how, while searching for caterpillars, the author happened across these beauties. It also give a few facts about them and explains why they shouldn’t be messed with.
These Beautiful Eastern Lubber Grasshopper Nymphs Were a Great Surprise discusses how the author found but did not recognize the nymph form of a grasshopper she knew as an adult. It also gives some details about grasshopper and it’s habits.
Takin’ Care of Business is a short video of a number of red ants busily working around and coming and going from their mound.
The Beautiful Polyphemus Moth has an Interesting, Unusual Lifecycle discusses the lifecycle of this large, impressive moth and emphasizes how it differs from other moths. Read it all at
The Iconic Red Legged Grasshopper is Beautiful and Amazingly Adaptable is the story of one encounter with a grasshopper and how it reminded me of an incredible way that they adapt to food shortages.
Florida Carpenter Ants Love Passion Fruit Flower Nectar discusses the Florida carpenter ant which is known for eating insects and decaying plant matter, but also loves the sweet nectar of the passion fruit flower.
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