Black Stink Bugs are Beautiful and Harmless Little Beetles introduces readers to one of the two types of black stink bugs we have in Florida. This one is a plant eater, but isn’t social, so rarely causes significant damage.Even though it has a wide range not much is known about it’s biology.
Honey Bees Have an Incredibly Complex Social Structure discusses some basic information about the social structure of a honey bee hive. Some of the information is quite surprising!
The Organ Pipe Mud Dauber is Really Great for Gardens explains how this unusual, black wasp helps gardens by pollinating flowers and helps gardeners by killing spiders.
The Beautiful Grey Hairstreak is a Flexible Generalist explains why this incredible butterfly has such a tremendous range, which includes most of North America and Central America, as well as northern South America.
The Blue-Ringed Dancer is Beautiful to See and Eats Pests describes the lifestyle of this pretty damsel fly. It also explains the difference between the damsel fly and the dragonfly. There are also several photos of these pretty creatures.
Honey Bees are Incredible and Amazing gives readers insight to the author’s experience watching several new hives being set up in an organic honey business. It explains how the bees are transported, move into the new hive, and how the new hive is set up.
Pseudodynerus quadrisectus is a Beautiful, Nonaggressive Wasp tells readers about this interesting and useful wasp. It also explains the differences in behavior of solitary and social wasps, and how these wasps help your garden.
National Pollinator Week Makes for Happy Bees and Others! reminds everyone of the incredible importance of pollinators in both agriculture and ecosystem maintenance. It gives a bit of history on this international event.
Robber Flies are Very Interesting and Good for the Garden narrates the author’s encounter with a robber fly waiting for the right prey to fly by. It also gives some information about them, including how they are helpful in the garden.
The Two Spotted Bumble Bee is a Tremendous Pollenator tells of the author’s adventures in trying to photograph bees. It also gives some interesting information about the two spotted bumble bee which is one of only a few bees that is doing well..
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