The Common Eastern Bumblebee is a Powerful Pollinator discusses the life cycle and the life style of the most common bumblebee in eastern North America. It also explains why these bees are such great pollinators that they are sometimes raised for use in agriculture.
The Slender Meadow Katydid is a Well Hidden Wildlife Gem explains why this common insect is rarely seen by most people. It also gives information about the lifestyle and lifecycle of the katydid.
Lovebugs: A Pain for Motorists, but Great for the Environment tells readers what lovebugs are and how they are both annoying to drivers when they swarm and how they are also helpful to the environment. It also explains the lifecycle of this unusual insect.
The Cute Woolly Bear Caterpillar Becomes a Beautiful Moth shows images of both the caterpillar and the moth and describes the lifestyle of the caterpillar. It also talks about the minimal damage that these caterpillars do, even to crops, in an effort to convince people to leave them be.
Pavement Ants are a Common but Interesting Species tells readers about this small ant which lives nearly everywhere in the US and Europe. It discusses habitat preferences and favorite foods among other things.
Long Legged Flies are Great Flies to Have Around explains to readers why having these small, beautiful flies in your garden is a good thing. It also gives a little information about them, their habits, and their lifestyle.
A Beautiful Two Spotted Bumble Bee Searches for a Meal is a short video of a bumble bee probing several small flowers on a button bush ball while looking for nectar.
Black Stink Bugs are Beautiful and Harmless Little Beetles introduces readers to one of the two types of black stink bugs we have in Florida. This one is a plant eater, but isn’t social, so rarely causes significant damage.Even though it has a wide range not much is known about it’s biology.
Honey Bees Have an Incredibly Complex Social Structure discusses some basic information about the social structure of a honey bee hive. Some of the information is quite surprising!
The Organ Pipe Mud Dauber is Really Great for Gardens explains how this unusual, black wasp helps gardens by pollinating flowers and helps gardeners by killing spiders.
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