Leaf-Footed Bugs Produce Colorful Nymphs that Look Different shows readers some very small first instar leaf-footed bug nymphs on the seed head of a dandelion. It discusses the lifecycle of these insects, and focuses on the stages of the nymphs.
Colorful Short-winged Green Grasshoppers have Come Back with Spring shows readers several color variations of this interesting grasshopper. It discusses their feeding habits, longevity, and other details about them.
Beautiful Ammophila pectipennis is an Uncommon Florida Wasp shows readers several photos of this uncommon, solitary wasp. It also gives a few facts about them and other thread-waisted wasps, and explains the author/artist’s encounter with this wasp.
The First Dragonfly of the Year was this Handsome Blue Dasher shows readers the author/artist’s first dragonfly photograph for the year.
The Woods are Full of Amazing Butterflies Right Now features a beautiful zebra swallowtail butterfly, but it discusses the fact that there are lots and lots of butterflies out right now. It also explains that this first generation is very active trying to find mates and feeding on the many flowers.
It’s Spring and Love is in the Air shows readers two pairs of Eastern leaf-footed bugs in the process of breeding.
Hanging Upside Down Allows the Wasp to Drain the Flowers features a fine-backed red paper wasp hanging upside down in order to feed on nectar from a row of flowers. These guys are actually fall pollinators and just beginning to nest right now.
The Hummingbird Clearwing Moth is an Extremely Interesting Insect shows readers photos of a hummingbird clearwing actively pollinating and feeding from azalea flowers. It discusses this unusual moth’s habits, feeding methods, range, and habitats among other things.
The Work of Bees Last Fall Leads to Beautiful Flowers Now discusses the role of last year pollinators in helping to bring us crops and wildflowers this year. It shows readers one of the many types of bees found in Florida.
The Colorful Rainbow Scarab Beetle is Great for the Environment shows this common, but infrequently seen beetle and explains how it helps clean up its environment. It also provides information about habitat, range, and lifestyle.
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