Even a Beautiful Bird May Have to Wait its Turn
Patient Titmouse Sometimes when I put food out for the birds it takes a little while for anyone to show...
Patient Titmouse Sometimes when I put food out for the birds it takes a little while for anyone to show...
Voracious Every morning that I can, I like to sit outside near my bird feeding station and watch the birds...
Grab and Go One of the many things that I really enjoy about watching wildlife is seeing the differences in...
Direct Stare Recently the weather around here has been chilly for us, especially in December. No where near as cold...
Oven bird eating suet crumbs Now that fall is here, I have been hoping that I would have an oven...
Profile of Bluey Momma and Poppa cardinal were the first birds that started coming to my feeding station on a...
Spoonbills and Egrets Generally, most wading birds do their hunting or feeding either alone or in small groups of their...
Keep Away! While I was in Cedar Key last time I found this osprey (Pandion haliaetus) perched on a power...
The Wonderful Cardinal Pair are Getting Ready for Winter shows the female cardinal that lives near the author/artist’s home as she eats at a feeding station. It notes that she looks a bit patchy due to molting and using feathers for lining the nest.
The Wonderful Boat Tailed Grackle is Often Found Near Water shows a female grackle as she watches and then captures an insect. It discusses where this bird was and what she was doing there other than hunting.
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