Beautiful Camphorweed Flowers Become Seeds in Late Fall shows readers one of the author/artist’s favorite fall wildflowers as it begins to form seeds. It explains the process as well as why the author/artist likes them so much.
Shaggy Blazing Star Is a Beautiful Addition to the Sandhills shows readers this little known species of Liatris or blazing star. It also discusses the plants range, habitats, medicinal uses, and attractiveness to wildlife.
Florida Paintbrush Has Showy and Colorful Flowers Each Fall shows readers the beauty of the Florida paintbrush blooms. It discusses these flowers range, uses as an ornamental and attractiveness to pollinators.
Camphorweed is a Bright, Colorful October Flower shows readers a beautiful image of this colorful fall flower. It’s a common roadside “weed” in much of the United States and Mexico.
The Pipevine has a Unique and Interesting Looking Flower shows readers the flowers of the elegant pipevine or calico flower. It also discusses that this is an invasive species in Florida and how the author plans to deal with that.
Raindrops Add a Pearly Luster to Already Beautiful Flowers shows readers a pair of beautiful finger rot flowers just after a rain storm. It explains to readers why such a pretty flower has such an ugly name and discusses the seasonal wildflowers.
Photo Essay: The Life of a Beautiful Thistle Flower shows readers through photographic images the life of a purple thistle flower from the bud stage, through death and seed production.
The Alamo Vine is One of the Summer’s Most Beautiful Flowers shows readers a couple of these gorgeous flowers while they are wide open. Since they are a species in the morning glory family they spend quite a bit of time at least partially closed.
A Couplet of Narrow Leaf Plantains Make a Beautiful Sight tells the story of how this “mistake” shot turned out to be a good featured image. It also explains why the photographer enjoys taking images of this plant.
The Beautiful Color of the Orange Milkwort Can Be Enhanced Artistically explains the motivation for tonight’s featured photo. It also explains what was done to make this a unique image.
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