Altica Beetles are a Wonderful Metallic Blue in the Afternoon shows readers singles and multiples of these small beetles. It discusses where they were and what they were doing while being photographed.
Not All Larval Insects are as Beautiful as the Adults shows readers a seven spotted ladybug larva. These little larva look nothing like the adult insects. It discusses other insects that also have very different looking larvae.
Duskywings are Not Colorful, but Are Beautiful in Their Own Way shows readers several examples of these common southern butterflies. It discusses where the author/artist finds them and talks about some of their behavior.
A Tiny Fly Laying her Eggs is Very Interesting features a tiny compost fly laying her eggs on the stamen of a passion fruit flower. It explains how the author/artist found the little fly and realized what she was doing.
Grasshopper Nymphs are Quite Abundant Right Now shows readers a nymphal short-winged green grasshopper. It goes on to discuss insect nymphs in general and this one in particular.
Interesting Wasps Were Imported to Weed Out Mole Crickets shows readers some Larra bicolor wasps. These wasps were imported from South America to help control an invasive species of mole crickets.
The Mimic One of the prettiest butterflies that we have around here, in my opinion, is the red spotted purple...
Fiery Skippers Love the Nectar in Spring Flowers shows a couple of examples of these pretty, active little butterflies. It goes on to give some basic facts about them and the author/artist’s experience with them.
Ligated Furrow Bees are an Interesting Type of Sweat Bee tells readers some basic facts about these little, social bees. It also compares them to some other types of sweat bees as well as providing photographic images.
Brown-Winged Striped Sweat Bees Have Beautiful Colors shows readers a female brown-winged striped sweat bee. It discusses a few facts about these pretty little bees and explains how to tell males from females.
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