Bumblebees are Interesting and Great for the Environment
Out of the Fog It’s the time of year where we have quite a few foggy mornings. They’re most likely...
Out of the Fog It’s the time of year where we have quite a few foggy mornings. They’re most likely...
Flower Flight One of the things that I miss the most in winter is insects. I love insects and spiders...
Amber Jewel. Before the winter starts a bright dragonfly enjoys the sun. Winter arrives and he has gone, but has...
Fall Dasher The weather is finally starting to warm up (not that we couldn’t end up with more cold before...
A Vivid Surprise A dull brown butterfly feeds quietly on a flower. A flutter of wings or a change in...
Cerulean Glow Tonight’s image is a throw back to this past summer. I actually had forgotten all about this shot...
Wasp with an Appetite. Until 2023, I had never seen, or at least never noticed these beautiful Ammophila pectipennis wasps....
Fly, Bee Fly Like most pollinators, bee flies (Poecilanthrax lucifer) are very hard workers and much of their work as...
Hang Out We have several types of bee flies here in Florida and many of them don’t have common names....
. Mouth Parts This is an older photo that I had genuinely forgotten I had taken. It was taken back...
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