Bee Flies Spend Lots of Valuable Time Searching for Nectar
Fly, Bee Fly Like most pollinators, bee flies (Poecilanthrax lucifer) are very hard workers and much of their work as...
Fly, Bee Fly Like most pollinators, bee flies (Poecilanthrax lucifer) are very hard workers and much of their work as...
Hang Out We have several types of bee flies here in Florida and many of them don’t have common names....
Rainbows and Varigations Florida is well known for having more than its share of flies, many of which bite or...
The Bee Flies Have Been Really Enjoying the Fall Flora explains our recent weather that has led to a sudden large bloom of fall flowers. It then discusses one of the pollinators that has found these flowers so attractive and explains the sequence of images.
Grasshopper Bee Flies are One Cute and Speedy Bug shows readers several images of these adorable and harmless little flies. It discusses how the author/artist came across these and touches on their feeding habits.
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