The Boat Tailed Grackle is a Beautiful Coastal Bird discusses how to tell these birds from the American crow and from other species of grackles. It also gives readers some basic facts about these lovely birds.
There is a Special Beauty to an Afternoon Moon explains the artist’s motivation for the photograph being presented.
An Amazing Encounter with a Yellow Crowned Night Heron shares the author’s experience with a juvenile yellow crowned night heron. It then goes on the give some facts about these beautiful birds and their habitat.
The Beautiful Tufted Titmouse has a Dynamic Personality discusses the behavior and personality of this lovely little songbird. It also talks about their expanding range and nesting habitat.
The Carolina Chickadee is a Fun and Interesting Backyard Friend tells the readers about the chickadees that come to her feeder. It then gives some interesting information about these birds.
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National Pollinator Week Makes for Happy Bees and Others! reminds everyone of the incredible importance of pollinators in both agriculture and ecosystem maintenance. It gives a bit of history on this international event.
The Taunting Sparrow is a video of a young male house sparrow interacting with the flock’s dominant male. The younger male taunts the older one until he finally evokes a response at which time he decides it might be time to retreat.
Chipping Sparrows are Beautiful Little Migrants Through Florida talks about these cute little birds that winter here, but head back up north for breeding. The author was lucky to catch a few at the feeding station in full breeding plumage.
It’s Awesome to Finally Spot the Beautiful Pileated Woodpecker tells the story of how the author finally spotted the woodpecker that had been drilling holes in an old oak in the neighborhood for years.
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