It’s Incredibly Interesting to Watch the Sanderlings Feed on the Beach explains to readers the unique and energetic way that sanderlings feed on the beaches where they winter. These are highly migratory birds that nest in the High Arctic but winter on beaches throughout the temperate and tropical world.
The Lesser Black-backed Gull is a Beautiful winter Visitor to the US introduces this European gull that sometimes winters along the east coast of the United States. It discusses habits, food, and migration patterns.
Swainson’s Thrush is a Beautiful Migrant Through Central Florida tell how the author found a little thrush trapped in her screened porch. It also tells readers more about the Swainson’s thrush, an insect eating bird that migrates through this area in the fall.
The Brown Pelican is Beautiful and an Amazing Fisherman gives readers several interesting facts about brown pelicans and how they live. It also discusses this bird’s status as an endangered species and its importance as an indicator species.
Yesterday Was the Third Annual National Pet Bird Day discusses this relatively new National day and gives a little history about it. Then it goes on to tell you several ways to celebrate.
The Interesting Laughing Gull has Made a Tremendous Come Back tells readers about these beautiful birds and their habits. It also discusses how they were once near extinction and what still threatens them today.
International Vulture Awareness Day is For Nature’s Amazing Cleaning Crew discusses why vultures are important to the environment and why their populations are declining. It also gives some history on the event.
Footprints in the Sand Tell a Wonderful Story gives readers the story behind the photograph.
The Boat Tailed Grackle is a Beautiful Coastal Bird discusses how to tell these birds from the American crow and from other species of grackles. It also gives readers some basic facts about these lovely birds.
There is a Special Beauty to an Afternoon Moon explains the artist’s motivation for the photograph being presented.
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