National Pollinator’s Week is a Really Important Reason to Celebrate shows readers several images of pollinators in action. It also explains the importance of pollinators to the world.
Sandhill Cranes are Large, Gentle Birds with Beautiful Coloration shows readers a recent image of a pair of these magnificent birds. It discusses the author’s encounter with these birds and gives readers some basic facts about them.
The Early Bird Catches the Beautiful Sunrise shows readers a beautiful Florida sunrise along with a single bird who is literally up before the sun.
There are Two Awesome Types of Vultures in Florida shows readers images of both the black vulture and the turkey vulture. These are the only two types of vultures in the United States and both can be found in central Florida.
It’s Springtime and Love is in the Air tells the love story of a pair of Northern cardinals.
The Beautiful White Pelican is a Welcome Snowbird in Florida shows readers images of one of the largest birds in North America. It also tells readers about finding these gorgeous birds and gives some information about them.
The Adaptable Ring-billed Gull is the Iconic Sea Gull explains why this gull is the one many people think of when gulls are mentioned. It also tells about how it’s adaptability was important to it’s come back after near extinction.
The Beautiful Cattle Egret is a Sensational Environmental Success Story tells readers about the author’s encounter with these cattle egrets in an unusual location. It also discusses how and why this species has done so well over the last century.
The Amazing Black Vulture Really Pops in Blue presents a stylized image of a black vulture sunning itself on an old oak branch. It also explains the author/artist’s motivation for the image.
An Interesting and Exciting Experience with the Beautiful White Ibis tells readers about the author’s recent adventure with a flock of immature American white ibises. It also relays some interesting information about these cool wading birds.
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