The Wonderful Cardinal Pair are Getting Ready for Winter shows the female cardinal that lives near the author/artist’s home as she eats at a feeding station. It notes that she looks a bit patchy due to molting and using feathers for lining the nest.
The Egret Rookery Is an Interesting Sight to See shows some photos that the author/artist took at an egret rookery. It shows both chicks and adult cattle egrets. It explains how she found this sight and how much she enjoys going there.
Common Ground Doves Can Be Colorful in the Morning Sun shows readers a little dove that frequently shows up at the author/artist’s feeder. It discusses some of the habits of these interesting little birds.
The Carolina Wren Sings a Beautiful Song introduces readers to this interesting small bird from eastern North America. It tells readers some information about them and about the author/artist’s experiences with them.
The Wonderful Boat Tailed Grackle is Often Found Near Water shows a female grackle as she watches and then captures an insect. It discusses where this bird was and what she was doing there other than hunting.
The Northern Mockingbird is One of Nature’s Most Interesting features a northern mockingbird, which happens to be the Florida State Bird. It explains why these birds are so interesting and full of personality.
A Little Family of Sandhill Cranes is a Beautiful Sight features the photo of a family of three of these amazing birds. It explains where they were and what they were doing.
The Male Brown Pelican has Very Colorful Breeding Plumage features a male brown pelican swimming in a canal in his full breeding plumage. It explains the difference in the breeding and nonbreeding plumage and discusses where the author/artist found this particular bird.
A Colorful Sundown Means Time to Roost for Many Birds shows readers a small flock of white ibis headed for their roosting grounds at sunset. It explains how the author/artist was able to get the shot and why she decided to take it.
Roseate Spoonbills are One of Florida’s Most Interesting Birds shows readers one of these beautiful birds that the author/artist was able to spend time with in early May. It also explains a number of reasons why these birds are unique and extremely interesting.
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