The Colorful Red Bellied Woodpeckers are Preparing for Spring
Portrait of a Red Bellied Woodpecker The birds have been very active lately and loads of birds are coming to...
Portrait of a Red Bellied Woodpecker The birds have been very active lately and loads of birds are coming to...
Sharp Dressed Girl During the fall, after raising three broods of babies, both Momma and Poppa cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) were...
Fast Food Take Out In the late summer or early fall, this beautiful little male rufous sided towhee, now called...
Flotilla Just before Christmas, I had to make an unexpected run to the local grocery store for a few things....
Dig Deep The past few days have been very stressful thanks to a leaky hot water heater that set in...
Oven Bird This winter has definitely been an interesting one for seeing winter migrant birds. I already posted about the...
Focused Stare I was absolutely captivated by the incredible focus of this majestic great egret (Ardea alba) as it gracefully...
Colorful Blue Jays are Brilliant and Often Quite Bold shows readers a young eastern blue jay that showed up at the author/artist’s feeding station. It tells readers how he behaved and how entertaining he was.
Hurricane Idalia Brought Wind, Rain, and Beautiful Flamingos shows readers photos taken from very far away of the flamingos that are currently in Cedar Key. It explains how they got there and how unusual it is.
The Eastern Towhee Tends to be Rather Shy tells the story of how the author/artist first spotted this bird and how difficult it’s been to photographs because of it reclusive habits. It also gives some basic facts about the species.
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