Another Great Sign of Spring is the First Tree Frog
Another Great Sign of Spring is the First Tree Frog tells about sighting a tee frog out looking for insects to eat in early spring. It also give a few facts about tree frog behavior and mating.
Another Great Sign of Spring is the First Tree Frog tells about sighting a tee frog out looking for insects to eat in early spring. It also give a few facts about tree frog behavior and mating.
Florida Cooters are Amazing and Well Adapted Turtles tells about some of the biology of the Florida cooter, emphasizing how well they are adapted to their ecological niche. It also discusses man’s impacts on their habitat and populations.
The Amazing Numbers and Types of Turtles in Florida is a brief overview of the thirty plus species of turtles and tortoises that live in Florida.
Florida Gopher Tortoises are Unique and Amazing gives some interesting information about these creatures and explains why they shouldn’t be taken for granted.
An Unusual Sighting: A Pine Woods Tree Frog in January tells the story of a cute little tree frog out and about at an unusual time of the year.
I Love the American Bullfrog Because it is Highly Adaptable discusses my experiences with American bullfrogs in both wet, swampy habitat and in the Florida sandhills.
The Beautiful Green Anole is the Only Anole that is Native to the US gives some interesting information about the green anole and its struggle with the invasive brown anole for habitat.
All summer I had a little fence lizard who was out basking about the time I got home every afternoon. I suspect I annoyed him, but I did become fond of him.
I love frogs of all types. The Southern cricket frog is an interesting frog that becomes very used to people and doesn’t mind sharing space with us.
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes are dangerous, but they are also useful in balancing the environment.
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