Yet Another Useful and Beautiful Find From Henry Beck Park describes the beautiful buttonbush and it’s incredible flowers. It also tells readers about all the uses for buttonbush by both humans and wildlife.
Florida Coastal Indigo is a Fascinating Favorite for Many Reasons explains why this Florida native is one of the author’s favorites, and then explains some of the unique aspects of this beautiful plant.
Perennial Peanuts Can Make a Beautiful Ground Cover tells the story of how the author spotted and later identified peanut flowers after wondering if peanut plants did flower. It also gives some interesting information about using these nonfruitbearing plants as a ground cover.
A Bright Spring Day with Beautiful Textures and Light is a still life nature photo inspired by light coming from above bringing out the colors and textures of a vine hanging over an old wooden fence.
The First of a New Series: Gardenia Flower shows a new digital drawing of a gardenia flower. It is based on a photo taken by the artist/author. It’s shown in both black and white and in a rainbow color.
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Summer Grape is Very Important to the Florida Ecosystem introduces readers to this native vine. It explains how the edible fruit are consumed by many birds, mammals, and reptiles and how nature uses the vine for shelter and nesting material.
Gardenia in Blue I have always loved gardenia flowers. Their powerful fragrance and the beautiful ways the petals fold on...
Golden and Grey Sometimes when editing photos it’s fun to make changes that we know would never happen in real...
The Beautiful Florida State Flower is the Tickseed introduces one type of tickseed flower, Leavenworth’s tickseed, that is found only in Florida. It explains the tickseed’s family connections, habitat, and it’s use as an ornamental flower.
First Frost With summer in full swing it’s hot down here in Florida. Fortunately for us, we are pretty used...
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