Colorful Spring Flowers are Here in Central Florida
Showy Paintbrush Last week we went about two hours further south to the Orlando area to my brother’s house. It...
Showy Paintbrush Last week we went about two hours further south to the Orlando area to my brother’s house. It...
Winter Radish Earlier in January I was out walking and was shocked to come across a plant that was blooming...
A Winter’s Flower In general, winter is not a time of year known for its beautiful flowers, but once in...
Crepe Nuts Once winter sets in, most of our flowers, mushrooms, and even a lot of leaves are gone. It...
Late Beauty There are quite a few American beautyberry bushes (Callicarpa americana) that grow wild on my property and I...
2024 was an interesting year to say the least. It had plenty of ups and downs, like most years. I...
Weathered As you may know, I love the textures of weathered wood, so when I came across this old tree...
Solstice Sumac Many people consider the period around the winter solstice to be a beautiful time of the year. They...
Late Bloom This morning I decided to get up early and head out to take some photos. It was supposed...
Dutchman’s Pipe Pod One of the most interesting looking flowers that grows in this area is the Dutchman’s pipe or...
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