My Passion for Passion Fruit Extends to Beautiful Colors is the author’s latest work in creative and artistic nature photography. It is accompanied by an explanation of the motivation behind this image.
A Chance Meeting is a Wonderful Way to Meet the Neighbors describes a chance meeting between a Florida carpenter ant and a gulf fritillary caterpillar as both move about on a passion fruit vine. It provides macro images showing the event.
A Beautiful Study of Wildflowers in Plum shows viewers the artist’s latest creative nature photographic work.
Rain Can Produce Beautiful Images in Nature Photography shows two images taken after an afternoon thunderstorm in a patch of passion fruit vines. Both images include water droplets and the text explains the author’s motivation for taking them.
The Delicate Intricacy of a Spider’s Web is a Beautiful Thing tells the background story behind today’s featured image and discusses some of the functions of spider’s silk.
Photo Ideas Can Come From the Most Unusual Places explains the authors motivation behind the featured image.
Happy Anniversary to What Next Photography And Graphic Arts celebrates this blog’s first anniversary with some background on the author and her motivation in starting the blog. It also shares some favorite images.
Enjoy the Amazing Creativity of International Artist’s Day honors artists and creators in all media. This blog gives some history about the day and recommends ways that people can celebrate.
The Radiant Afternoon Sun as Seen Through a Palm Frond
Today, World Photography Day, is a Great Reason to Celebrate gives a bit of history on the occasion and discusses why photography is important to all of us. It celebrates with a few nature photographs.
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