A Flower Can be Inherently Beautiful, Even When Gone shows readers an artistically processed image of a long past purple thistle flower. It then goes on to explain the artist’s thought process when creating the image.
The Tuft-Legged Orb Weaver is a Small, Interesting Spider introduces readers to this tiny little spider that lives in underbrush. It shows readers several images and gives some interesting facts about them.
Celebrate the Great Wonder of Snakes on World Snake Day explains to readers why snakes are important. It tells them about World Snake Day and urges them to learn more about snakes and to learn to live safely around them,
Passion Fruit Vines Can Have Some Unusual Uses discusses all of the reasons that the author lives her passion fruit vines. One of the best uses is all the various photographic opportunities the plants provide.
Blue-Ringed Dancers are Beautiful and Graceful Damselflies shows readers a male and a female of this sexually dimorphic species. It also informs readers about some basic facts such as range and size.
High Contrast Black and White Sometimes Makes Interesting Nature Photos gives readers some background on the author/artist’s thought processes when working on tonight’s featured photo.
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Even the Smallest of Flowers Cab be Incredibly Colorful discusses the variety of summer wildflowers in Florida and then focuses on the pretty, bright fuchsia flowers of pink purslane.
Here is Another Example of Nature’s Beautiful Artwork shows readers an image of a pair of polished cypress stumps. It points out the natural processes required to create this simple beauty.
The Red-banded Hairstreak has Some Cool and Unique Habits tells readers about some of the interesting and important behavior of the red-banded hairstreak. It also gives basic facts and shows readers several images.
The Red-bellied Woodpecker is a Fancy, Colorful Bird show readers a female of the species. It also fills them in on some interesting facts about these beautiful birds including their range, habitats, and diet.
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