Forked Bluecurls are a Beautiful and Showy Native Flower shows readers several images of this colorful fall wildflower. It goes on to give basic information about the plant and flowers such as range, uses, and habitats.
The Nine Banded Armadillo is an Interesting, Unique Animal discusses several reasons that these small mammals are unusual. It also informs readers about their basic biology and behavior and shows them images from a recent encounter.
The Oxeye Daisy is a Beautiful Ornamental Flower shows readers a pretty daisy that was growing in a lawn in Anchorage, Alaska. It gives readers a few facts about these flowers and explains the circumstances of the images.
Beautiful Camphorweed Flowers Become Seeds in Late Fall shows readers one of the author/artist’s favorite fall wildflowers as it begins to form seeds. It explains the process as well as why the author/artist likes them so much.
As the Colorful Sun Goes Down the Birds Settle In shows readers a group of shorebirds as they settle in for the night during sunset.
Vultures Love to Soar on High Winds shows readers photos of vultures taking advantage of a breezy afternoon to soar on the thermals. It also explains why the author/artist took the shots.
Shaggy Blazing Star Is a Beautiful Addition to the Sandhills shows readers this little known species of Liatris or blazing star. It also discusses the plants range, habitats, medicinal uses, and attractiveness to wildlife.
The Colorful Ailanthus Webworm Moth is a Great Pollinator discusses the lifestyle of this pretty little moth. It also explains why it has extended its range and shows readers images of the adults.
It was Incredible to See How Colorful Fall Can Be shows readers an image that emphasizes the colors of the Alaskan foliage in autumn. It goes on to explain where the photo was taken and why.
The American Crow is Very Interesting to Watch tells readers about the author/artist’s interaction with this crow and his flock. It also discusses the motivation behind the featured image.
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