Central Florida is Known for Fantastic and Beautiful Phlox Flowers shows many of the possible color variations of Drummond’s phlox. This phlox is native to the southeastern United States and grows in large patches in the spring.
Deer Moss is One of Many Interesting Lichens in Florida shows readers an example of this pretty, fluffy lichen. It explains why the author/artist finds it attractive and provides basic facts about the lichen.
Turkey Vultures are Interesting Members of Nature’s Cleanup Crew shows readers a couple images of a turkey vulture that is down with prey. It explains why the author/artist likes these birds so much and it explains a bit of their behavior.
The Afternoon Sun is Beautiful Shining Through the Trees shows readers an afternoon forest scene that gives the author/artist a feeling of peacefulness and quiet.
Polychromatic Coloration Adds New Life to an Old Seed shows readers an artistically rendered photo of a seed pod. It then explains the author/artist’s motivation for both the original image and the finished one.
The Southern Dewberry is Another Wonderful Spring Flower shows readers several images of these gorgeous spring flowers. It then explains why the author/artist likes them so much.
The Hummingbird Clearwing Moth is an Extremely Interesting Insect shows readers photos of a hummingbird clearwing actively pollinating and feeding from azalea flowers. It discusses this unusual moth’s habits, feeding methods, range, and habitats among other things.
Beautiful Early Spring Flowers Attract Early Pollinators shows readers one of the author/artist’s favorite early spring flowers, one of which is being pollinated by an early springtime bee.
The American Crow is One Intelligent and Observant Bird shows readers an American crow perched in a dead tree simply observing the beautiful morning.
The Scurfy Twiglet Mushroom is an Interesting Winter Fungus shows readers an interesting mushroom that tends to grow in the winter. It also explains and shows readers where the name “scurfy” comes from.
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