The Lovely American Lady is One Colorful Butterfly shows readers a macro photo of an American lady while feeding. It emphasizes the beautiful, bright colors of the butterfly and gives a nice view of how the butterfly eats.
A Fading Flower Still has Spectacular Colors and Textures features a dandelion flower that is in the process of going by. It explains why the author/artist was intrigued by this particular wildflower.
Beautiful Ammophila pectipennis is an Uncommon Florida Wasp shows readers several photos of this uncommon, solitary wasp. It also gives a few facts about them and other thread-waisted wasps, and explains the author/artist’s encounter with this wasp.
Earth Day Really Shouldn’t be Unique, but Celebrated Every Day wishes everyone a Happy Earth Day 2023. It encourages everyone to make an effort to make their part of the Earth a better place every day. It celebrates with some nature photographs.
It’s Just a Little Green Lizard Relaxing in the Sun shows readers a green anole sunning itself after a cool night. With a bit of imagination it looks like he’s sitting on the fence playing a cello.
The Spider and the Ant is Another Interesting Nature Story features a small northern crab spider with an ant that it just caught. It tells the story of the image and the author/artist’s experiences this spring with these spiders.
Dreams of the Woods Might Look Something Like This shows the artist’s rendition of a dream about the woods. It was created by combining photography and digital drawing. The text explains the artist’s thought process.
Tampa Mock Vervain is a Beautiful Endangered Species shows readers photos of this attractive endangered Florida wildflower. It also explains why the author/artist has a special place in her heart for them.
The Whirlabout is an Interesting and Active Little Butterfly discusses a common springtime butterfly that the author/artist has been seeing a lot lately. It shows several examples of this pretty little butterfly on a variety of flowers.
At Last, the Beautiful and Elusive Palamedes Swallowtail features a rather tattered, but still beautiful butterfly as it feasts from a purple thistle flower. It explains how the author/artist came across this butterfly and the difficulty she has had getting a good shot of one.
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