Here’s the Second Image in the New Tree Series introduces readers to the next image in the tree series. This series features trees with interesting characteristics and “personality” in the author/artist’s eyes.
Clearing Storm Clouds at Sunset Become a Colorful Display explains the authors choice of this colorful photograph after three days of stormy, dismal weather where she lives. It also explains how this colorful evening show came to be.
The Pine Flatwoods are a Unique and Beautiful Florida Habitat defines what pine flatwoods are and explains the two types. It also gives readers some interesting details about this uniquely Floridian habitat.
Time to Warm Up With a Colorful Touch of Summer gives readers a warm Florida summer landscape to help warm them up during the middle of winter.
Here’s Wishing Everyone a Great and Very Happy 2022! wishes readers a Happy New Year and celebrates with some pretty sunrise images.
The Beautiful Colors of a Brilliant Sunrise are Very Fleeting tells the story of one particular sunrise in November and discusses the speed with which sunrises and sunsets change.
An Afternoon of Interesting and Unusual Weather shows readers photos from two pretty weather phenomena that occurred in central Florida this afternoon. It tells a short story of finding and photographing them.
A Rising Moon is Always a Fascinating and Beautiful Thing tells readers the motivation for tonight’s photo. It also discusses why we are all so interested in the moon.
Fall in Florida Can Be Beautiful, Too! shows readers some pretty fall foliage from central Florida. The fall colors down here are not as striking as some northern venues, but they’re still very pretty.
The Sandhills are One of Many Amazing Florida Habitats discusses this particular habitat including it’s origins, plant life, and wildlife. It also tells readers about threats to this highly vulnerable part of Florida.
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