The Best Known Florida Habitat is the Beach explains to readers how beaches are formed and what type of life they support. It also tells readers the many functions that the beach serves to the environment.
A Series of Florida Trees is Not Complete Without a Palm introduces readers to the latest image in the tree series of fine art photographs. It tells readers a bit about the cabbage palm which happens to be the Florida state tree.
Longleaf Pine is Very Important in It’s Habitats describes to readers how these endangered trees are vital to their various habitats. It also explains why they have become endangered and what conditions are needed for it’s growth.
Sometimes It’s Fun to Experiment with New Things explains to readers how some experimentation with a new fisheye lens led to tonight’s featured image.
The Fourth Image in the Tree Series is Here shows readers an artistically enhanced photo of wild bamboo. Bamboo is technically classified as a grass, but some do consider it a tree and it frequently acts as a tree, providing shade and protection.
Another Beautiful Winter Sandhills Sunset features a beautiful January sunset and explains why sunsets like this are one of the reasons that she loves the central Florida area where she lives.
Here’s the Second Image in the New Tree Series introduces readers to the next image in the tree series. This series features trees with interesting characteristics and “personality” in the author/artist’s eyes.
Clearing Storm Clouds at Sunset Become a Colorful Display explains the authors choice of this colorful photograph after three days of stormy, dismal weather where she lives. It also explains how this colorful evening show came to be.
The Pine Flatwoods are a Unique and Beautiful Florida Habitat defines what pine flatwoods are and explains the two types. It also gives readers some interesting details about this uniquely Floridian habitat.
Time to Warm Up With a Colorful Touch of Summer gives readers a warm Florida summer landscape to help warm them up during the middle of winter.
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