The Fiery Skipper is a Brightly Colorful Fall Butterfly
Fiery Glow Celestial fall begins this weekend, and although we are still more or less having summer temperatures, we are...
Fiery Glow Celestial fall begins this weekend, and although we are still more or less having summer temperatures, we are...
Bumbledore I couldn’t resist the name on the first photo because, yes, I am a Harry Potter nerd. And although...
Great Grasp Since Hurricane Debby came through and dropped a bunch of rain on us, the fall wildflowers have been...
Fall in Flight Fall is either here or just around the corner depending on whether you consider it beginning on...
A lot of artists give studio tours, both in person and on social media, and more than one person has...
. Mouth Parts This is an older photo that I had genuinely forgotten I had taken. It was taken back...
Up, Up, and Away Yesterday I decided to take what I call a “bug walk” around my property. After several...
Ready, Set, Go Well, in all actuality, you never will. Butterflies don’t have kidneys and a bladder like mammals do....
On a Wing and a Flower Last weekend I spent some time hiking around Watermelon Pond before visiting with my...
Clean Feet Most of us tend to think of insects are dirty, germ infested animals that have very little intelligence....
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