Ligated Furrow Bees are an Interesting Type of Sweat Bee tells readers some basic facts about these little, social bees. It also compares them to some other types of sweat bees as well as providing photographic images.
Colorful Little Shield-Backed Bugs are True Bugs, Not Beetles discusses the beautiful shield-backed bugs, often also called jewel bugs. It shows several photos of one particular species of these insects.
Brown-Winged Striped Sweat Bees Have Beautiful Colors shows readers a female brown-winged striped sweat bee. It discusses a few facts about these pretty little bees and explains how to tell males from females.
Sometimes Good Things Come in Small, Colorful Packages shows readers a beautiful little grey hairstreak butterfly. It was looking for nectar among the blackberry flowers.
Grasshopper Bee Flies are One Cute and Speedy Bug shows readers several images of these adorable and harmless little flies. It discusses how the author/artist came across these and touches on their feeding habits.
Phaon Crescent Butterflies Absolutely Love the Spring Sun shows one of these gorgeous spring butterflies warming itself in the afternoon sun.
Leaf-Footed Bugs Produce Colorful Nymphs that Look Different shows readers some very small first instar leaf-footed bug nymphs on the seed head of a dandelion. It discusses the lifecycle of these insects, and focuses on the stages of the nymphs.
Colorful Short-winged Green Grasshoppers have Come Back with Spring shows readers several color variations of this interesting grasshopper. It discusses their feeding habits, longevity, and other details about them.
The Lovely American Lady is One Colorful Butterfly shows readers a macro photo of an American lady while feeding. It emphasizes the beautiful, bright colors of the butterfly and gives a nice view of how the butterfly eats.
Beautiful Ammophila pectipennis is an Uncommon Florida Wasp shows readers several photos of this uncommon, solitary wasp. It also gives a few facts about them and other thread-waisted wasps, and explains the author/artist’s encounter with this wasp.
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