Today is National Feral Cat Day and it Celebrates a Great Cause! gives some history on both the domestic cat and National Feral Cat Day. It then goes on to explain this year’s theme of supporting TNR efforts and how you can get involved.
Happy Veterinary Nurses’s (or Technician’s) Day!!! puts out a huge thank you to everyone who works as a veterinary nurse, veterinary technician, or veterinary assistant. It then thanks some special people who have been especially important to the author.
Today is Both World Animal Day and World Habitat Day explains the reasons for both of these celebrations and how they compliment each other.
Yesterday as World Rivers Day and It’s an Important Day! explains the history and goals of this environmental event. It goes on to explain why we celebrate and gives ideas on how to celebrate and how to conserve water resources.
Two Wonderful Reasons to Celebrate this Great Day! reminds readers that today is World Environmental Health Day and World Rivers Day. It goes on to discuss World Environmental Health Day, it’s theme, purpose, and ways to celebrate.
Fall is Here and a Beautiful Flower is a Great Way to Celebrate welcomes everyone to the first day of fall with an artistic interpretation of a lovely flower. Happy Fall, y’all!
Yesterday Was the Third Annual National Pet Bird Day discusses this relatively new National day and gives a little history about it. Then it goes on to tell you several ways to celebrate.
International Vulture Awareness Day is For Nature’s Amazing Cleaning Crew discusses why vultures are important to the environment and why their populations are declining. It also gives some history on the event.
Give Your Best Friend Some Extra Love on National Dog Day! explains why dogs are so important in our lives. It also tells readers a bit of the history of National Dog Day, and how it became International Dog Day.
This is National Honey Bee Day and It’s Very Important tells readers about the history of this date and explains why honey bees are important to the environment and to mankind. Then it gives readers a few ways to celebrate this important yearly event.
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