The Gulf Fritillary is One of Florida’s Most Spectacular Butterflies shows multiple images of the gorgeous adult butterfly and the caterpillar and tells readers about the butterfly’s unique lifestyle. It also discusses it’s range and habitat so that you will know where to find them yourself.
The Long Tailed Skipper: Crop Pest or Beautiful Pollinator? discusses this unusual and surprising butterfly both as the crop pest that it’s caterpillars can be, and as the beautiful pollinators that they grow up to be. It also shows readers it’s remarkable colors that are only visible from above.
Caterpillars Have Weird, Cool Little Gripping Feet explains explains what motivated the author to take this interesting photograph.
The Beautiful Grey Hairstreak is a Flexible Generalist explains why this incredible butterfly has such a tremendous range, which includes most of North America and Central America, as well as northern South America.
The American Lady is a Beautiful Brush-Footed Butterfly details the author’s confusion about three species of orange and black butterflies. It explains how to tell the difference and adds photos.
The Eastern Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly is Beautiful and Interesting explains the range, habits, and other aspects of this amazing butterfly. It also discusses the behavior of puddling which is common among many butterflies.
National Pollinator Week Makes for Happy Bees and Others! reminds everyone of the incredible importance of pollinators in both agriculture and ecosystem maintenance. It gives a bit of history on this international event.
The Beautiful Southern Broken Dash is Another Amazing Florida Butterfly talks about facts surrounding this pretty little butterfly. It also discusses the author’s technique for photographing them.
Horace’s Duskywing is a Very Helpful Pollinator tells readers about the author’s experiences with these butterflies and relays some facts about them and their lifestyle. It also explains why these butterflies are great pollinators.
Enjoying the Migration of the Beautiful Cloudless Sulphur Butterfly discusses the fall migration of these creatures through the Gainesville, Florida area.
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