The Southeastern Blueberry Bee is an Amazing Pollinator discusses this interesting bee’s unusual lifestyle. It also tells readers about how these bees are effective pollinators for blueberries and other early spring blooming plants.
Carpenter Bees are Scary, but Harmless and Very Helpful discussed the pros and cons of the eastern carpenter bee. It also tells readers about their unusual social structure and mating habits and discusses the various types of carpenter bees.
A Beautiful Spring is Springing in Florida shows readers some of the first signs of spring that are popping up all over north central Florida.
Paper Wasps Have a Very Interesting Social Structure and Lifestyle explains how these beautiful wasps over winter and how they start new colonies in spring. It also touches on their complex social structure.
Wild Honey Bees Have an Interesting History and Lifestyle explains how honey bees came to the New World and where they came from. It also describes their social structure and lifestyle.
The Common Eastern Bumblebee is a Powerful Pollinator discusses the life cycle and the life style of the most common bumblebee in eastern North America. It also explains why these bees are such great pollinators that they are sometimes raised for use in agriculture.
The Beautiful Five Banded Thynnid Wasp is Great for Gardens! gives readers some basic information about these interesting insects and explains why they are so helpful in gardens. It also discusses the author’s first encounter with them on a nature walk.
This is National Honey Bee Day and It’s Very Important tells readers about the history of this date and explains why honey bees are important to the environment and to mankind. Then it gives readers a few ways to celebrate this important yearly event.
A Beautiful Two Spotted Bumble Bee Searches for a Meal is a short video of a bumble bee probing several small flowers on a button bush ball while looking for nectar.
Honey Bees Have an Incredibly Complex Social Structure discusses some basic information about the social structure of a honey bee hive. Some of the information is quite surprising!
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