Just Another Beautiful Bee on a Flower shows readers a wild honey bee hanging upside down from a blackjack flower. Bees are very flexible in the positions that they will get into to reach the flower’s pollen and nectar.
The Amazing Honey Bee Carries Colorful Pollen on it’s Legs shows readers a honey bee loaded with pollen as it heads back to the hive. It goes on to explain how and why they transport pollen.
Honey Bees are Great Pollinators Because They Work Hard explains why honey bees are so industrious. It also shows them a macro image of one busy at work.
The Carpenter-mimic Leafcutter Bees are Special Pollinators shows readers these large, solitary bees. It goes on to present several things that make these bees interesting and unique.
The Fine-Backed Red Paper Wasp is an Important Fall Pollinator discusses the lifestyle of these nonaggressive social wasps and points out their importance for pollination, especially in the fall. It shows readers a couple of macro images of these wasps.
Thynnid Wasps Love Habitats with Colorful Wildflowers shows readers an artistically rendered photo of a five banded thynnid wasp with parts of it’s body replaced by a photo of it’s habitat. It also explains why the author/artists chose this image.
Winged Sumac is Great for Attracting Pollinators shows readers several types of pollinators that can be found feeding on the now flowering winged sumac plant. This plant only blooms for a few weeks, but it’s very important to these insects.
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National Pollinator’s Week is a Really Important Reason to Celebrate shows readers several images of pollinators in action. It also explains the importance of pollinators to the world.
The Great Golden Digger Wasp is Wonderful for Gardens introduces readers to these fascinating, nonaggressive wasps and explains why they are fantastic to have around. It also shows readers several images of these colorful wasps.
The Girls of the Interesting Hibernaculum Continue to Thrive gives readers an update on the hibernaculum that the author monitored all winter. It shows images of one of the wasps beginning her nest.
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