Common Longhorn Bees are Really Great Fall Pollinators shows readers a bee that is one of the earliest signs that fall is on its way. It explains some basic facts that are known about them. Finally, it tells readers where these bees were found.
Here’s Yet Another Interesting Pollinator that Can be Found on Tickseeds shows a great golden digger wasps that was photographing on a day when there were many insects out and enjoying the flowers.
Noble Scoliid Wasps are Beautiful and Great for the Environment shows readers what these pretty wasps look like. It explains some of the basic facts about them and discusses where these wasps were found.
The Uncommon Ammophila Wasp is Quite Beautiful features one of these thread waisted wasps as it feeds on and pollinates some Leavenworth’s tickseed flowers. It discusses why these wasps are so pretty and how the author/artist found this one.
Ant or Wasp? One of the things I enjoy about photographing insects is that there are no shortage of them...
These Beautiful Coreopsis Flowers are Magnets for Pollinators shows readers two different pure green sweat bees feeding on tickseed flowers. It also tells readers about how the author/artist encountered these bees while hiking.
Another Example of the Wonderful Relationship Between Flowers and Pollinators shows readers a beautiful sweat bee on the center of a tickseed flower. It discusses the relationship between pollinators and flowers and it’s importance.
Interesting Wasps Were Imported to Weed Out Mole Crickets shows readers some Larra bicolor wasps. These wasps were imported from South America to help control an invasive species of mole crickets.
Ligated Furrow Bees are an Interesting Type of Sweat Bee tells readers some basic facts about these little, social bees. It also compares them to some other types of sweat bees as well as providing photographic images.
Brown-Winged Striped Sweat Bees Have Beautiful Colors shows readers a female brown-winged striped sweat bee. It discusses a few facts about these pretty little bees and explains how to tell males from females.
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