These Two Colorful Beauties are Summer Favorites
These Two Colorful Beauties are Summer Favorites shows readers a photo taken in the author’s own yard. It identifies the species involved and explains why they are favorites.
These Two Colorful Beauties are Summer Favorites shows readers a photo taken in the author’s own yard. It identifies the species involved and explains why they are favorites.
This Fascinating, Hungry Woolly Bear Enjoys a Leaf is a video showing the voracious appetite this caterpillar can have. Watch to see how quickly the leaf disappears.
The Tuft-Legged Orb Weaver is a Small, Interesting Spider introduces readers to this tiny little spider that lives in underbrush. It shows readers several images and gives some interesting facts about them.
Blue-Ringed Dancers are Beautiful and Graceful Damselflies shows readers a male and a female of this sexually dimorphic species. It also informs readers about some basic facts such as range and size.
The Red-banded Hairstreak has Some Cool and Unique Habits tells readers about some of the interesting and important behavior of the red-banded hairstreak. It also gives basic facts and shows readers several images.
National Pollinator’s Week is a Really Important Reason to Celebrate shows readers several images of pollinators in action. It also explains the importance of pollinators to the world.
This Interesting Caterpillar Becomes a Truly Beautiful Butterfly shows readers the pipevine swallowtail butterfly and it’s cool looking caterpillar. It gives some valuable information about both the caterpillars and the butterflies.
Carpenter Ants are Really Cool Because They are Great Farmers shows readers a short video of several carpenter ants “farming” or “herding” aphids. This is a very interesting behavior that isn’t seen in most other insects, including other ants.
The Beautiful Blue Dashers Have Been Plentiful This Year shows readers a male and a female blue dasher dragonfly. It then goes on to discuss the author’s experiences with them on her own property.
The Beautiful Red Shouldered Stink Bug Can Damage Plants shows readers several images of this bright green bug. It also explains it life cycle, feeding habits, and range.
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