Beautiful Ammophila pectipennis Wasps Love the Nectar of Fall Wildflowers
Wasp with an Appetite. Until 2023, I had never seen, or at least never noticed these beautiful Ammophila pectipennis wasps....
Wasp with an Appetite. Until 2023, I had never seen, or at least never noticed these beautiful Ammophila pectipennis wasps....
Roller Flight Here in central Florida we have lots of gorgeous butterflies of all sorts of shapes and sizes. Most...
Delicate Poise Before we got slammed by two major hurricanes in two weeks, our supply of summer dragonflies was dwindling....
Fly, Bee Fly Like most pollinators, bee flies (Poecilanthrax lucifer) are very hard workers and much of their work as...
Palamedes Below One of the largest butterflies that are commonly seen around here in the summer and fall season are...
Hang Out We have several types of bee flies here in Florida and many of them don’t have common names....
Fiery Glow Celestial fall begins this weekend, and although we are still more or less having summer temperatures, we are...
Bumbledore I couldn’t resist the name on the first photo because, yes, I am a Harry Potter nerd. And although...
Great Grasp Since Hurricane Debby came through and dropped a bunch of rain on us, the fall wildflowers have been...
Fall in Flight Fall is either here or just around the corner depending on whether you consider it beginning on...
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