Thynnid Wasps Love Habitats with Colorful Wildflowers shows readers an artistically rendered photo of a five banded thynnid wasp with parts of it’s body replaced by a photo of it’s habitat. It also explains why the author/artists chose this image.
Female Orb Weavers are Larger and More Colorful than Males shows readers the vast sexual dimorphism of these spiders. It also reminds readers of the life cycles of orb weaver spiders and where the fall season fits in.
The Spiny Oakworm Moth has Beautiful Fall Colors shows readers what one of these gorgeous moths looks like. It then gives some facts about the moth and explains how it got it’s name.
The Stretch Spiders Have an Interesting Lifestyle introduces readers to these interesting little spiders. It points out several reasons that they are unique, and provides photos that show those features.
The Beautiful Pearl Crescent is a Wonderful Fall Butterfly shows readers how gorgeous this multicolored butterfly is. It also explains what the butterfly feeds on, it’s range, and it’s preferred habitat.
A Grasshopper on the Windshield Led to Beautiful, Unusual Photos shows readers an American bird grasshopper that jumped onto the author’s windshield. It also gives some interesting facts about these grasshoppers, including range and diet.
The White Cheeked Jumping Spider is a Great Hunter tells readers about the author’s adventure watching this tiny spider hunt. It then shows readers a few images taken immediately afterwards.
The Colorful Marginated Leather Wing is Very Useful shows readers this beautiful insect and explains how to distinguish it from the Pennsylvania leather wing which has a similar range. It also explains how this insect is very beneficial in the garden and on crops.
The Beautiful Black Bordered Lemon Moth Eats Weeds and Nectar introduces readers to this small, brightly colored moth. It explains why these moths are considered valuable to people and shares some interesting facts about them.
Another Unusual Florida Curiosity: An Albino Palmetto Bug shows readers a photo of an unusual albino palmetto bug. It also explains what a palmetto bug is and discusses how this one was found.
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