Orb Weavers Can be Considered the Ultimate Acrobats discusses the acrobatic skills shown by spiders, especially large ones, when they spin or move around in their webs. It features a female black and yellow garden spider spinning her web.
The Colorful Rainbow Scarab Beetle is Great for the Environment shows this common, but infrequently seen beetle and explains how it helps clean up its environment. It also provides information about habitat, range, and lifestyle.
A Summary of the Year 2022 shows readers a number of photos from 2022. It also gives a short summary of the author/artist’s year.
Walking Sticks Have a Great Disparity in Size Between Sexes shows a mated pair of Southern two-striped walking sticks with the smaller male riding in the back of the female. It goes on to explain the circumstances of the sighting and other interesting information.
The Clouded Skipper is a Pretty Cool Little Butterfly shows several images of these interesting pollinators. It also explains their habits, range, food sources, and habitat among other things.
Goodbye to 2022 and a Great Big Hello to 2023 wishes everyone a Happy New Year’s Eve and looks forward to 2023.
The Eight-spotted Forester is a Colorful Owlet Moth shows readers one of these gorgeous little moths. It also gives some basic facts about them and about this moth in particular.
Just Another Beautiful Bee on a Flower shows readers a wild honey bee hanging upside down from a blackjack flower. Bees are very flexible in the positions that they will get into to reach the flower’s pollen and nectar.
This Great Blue Skimmer is a Throwback to Summer shows readers an image from early August and explains the basic process that took it from its original state to this state.
The Grey Hairstreak is a Tiny, Colorful Butterfly tells readers a little bit about these beautiful native butterflies and the author/artist’s encounter with this one.
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