Noble Scoliid Wasps are Beautiful and Great for the Environment shows readers what these pretty wasps look like. It explains some of the basic facts about them and discusses where these wasps were found.
The Spragueia Moth is a Most Beautiful Creature features images of one of the author/artist’s favorite moths. It goes on to explain why she finds these moths so attractive and where this one was found.
The Luna Moth Caterpillar is Beautiful and Stunning shows readers a fourth instar Luna moth caterpillar. It discusses how beautiful both the caterpillars and the moths are tells a little bit about their unusual lifestyle.
The Uncommon Ammophila Wasp is Quite Beautiful features one of these thread waisted wasps as it feeds on and pollinates some Leavenworth’s tickseed flowers. It discusses why these wasps are so pretty and how the author/artist found this one.
Magnolia Green Jumpers are Known for Being Spectacular Huntresses shows readers a beautiful female spider as she hides between leaves awaiting prey. It discusses how these spiders hunt and where they can be found.
Ant or Wasp? One of the things I enjoy about photographing insects is that there are no shortage of them...
Grapeleaf Skeletonizer Moths Have Interesting Habits discusses some unusual behaviors that set these odd looking little moths apart from other moths. It shows readers a moth that the author/artist spotted one evening.
These Beautiful Coreopsis Flowers are Magnets for Pollinators shows readers two different pure green sweat bees feeding on tickseed flowers. It also tells readers about how the author/artist encountered these bees while hiking.
Clubbed Mydas Flies are Really Great for Gardens features a male encountered while defending his territory. It tells readers about the lifecycle and habits of these flies and explains why they are unusual and good for gardeners.
The Eastern Shieldback Katydid is a Very Helpful Insect shows readers a fine specimen of one species also known as the robust shieldback. It discusses the insect’s range, diet, and habits and talks about this one in particular.
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