The Wonderful Fall Pollinators are Out in Force
The Wonderful Fall Pollinators are Out in Force shows photos of honeybees feeding on winged sumac flowers. It points out that this is another good sign that fall is coming.
The Wonderful Fall Pollinators are Out in Force shows photos of honeybees feeding on winged sumac flowers. It points out that this is another good sign that fall is coming.
Common Longhorn Bees are Really Great Fall Pollinators shows readers a bee that is one of the earliest signs that fall is on its way. It explains some basic facts that are known about them. Finally, it tells readers where these bees were found.
Spiders Can be Amazing and Brilliant Sculptors features an intricate, three dimensional spider web spun around some twigs and perfectly illuminated by the morning sun. It tell readers about how the author/artist found it and her thoughts about it.
My Nighttime Visitor is a Beautiful Spotted Orb Weaver features photos of a female spotted orb weaver as she takes down her web in the morning. These nocturnal spiders make a new web every night and take it down each day.
Tinted Orb Weaver Mabel orchard orb weavers are very common on my property, so I have photographed them frequently. They...
Here’s Yet Another Interesting Pollinator that Can be Found on Tickseeds shows a great golden digger wasps that was photographing on a day when there were many insects out and enjoying the flowers.
Sometimes the Most Beautiful Insects Come to You explains how after an uneventful hike, the author/artist discovered this gorgeous Eastern tiger swallowtail butterfly right in her own yard.
Regal Jumping Spiders Can Be Big and Colorful features a beautiful specimen of a regal jumping spider that the author/artist recently encountered. It explains why she like jumping spiders so much, and especially regal jumping spiders.
Milkweed Assassin Bugs are Great Hunters and Pest Controllers features a milkweed assassin bug that was found hunting in a patch of tickseed flowers. It describes the bug’s range, diet, hunting styles, and the author/artist’s feelings about the bug being there.
Owlflies Can be Unusual and Interesting Looking Little Things shows readers an example of a Macleay’s owlfly. It goes on to explain where the author/artist found this one and gives some facts about this species and owlflies in general.
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