The Bee Flies Have Been Really Enjoying the Fall Flora explains our recent weather that has led to a sudden large bloom of fall flowers. It then discusses one of the pollinators that has found these flowers so attractive and explains the sequence of images.
Just Another Beautiful Ammophila Wasp shows readers a macro photo of this fairly uncommon Florida wasp. It explains that although they are generally uncommon the author/artist has encountered them frequently this year.
The Beautiful Amanda’s Pennant is a Very Busy Dragonfly shows readers a species of dragonfly that was new to the author/artist. It tells the story of trying to get some good photos of these active dragonflies and gives a bit of information about them.
Fall Pollinators are Coming Out for the Fall Wildflowers shows readers one of our many fall pollinators that are beginning to appear now. They are being attracted to some of our early fall wildflowers like winged sumac, which is seen here.
The Checkered White is an Interesting Little Butterfly shows readers a beautiful female checkered white butterfly. It discusses some interesting facts about them and about the author/artist’s experience with this one.
The Wonderful Fall Pollinators are Out in Force shows photos of honeybees feeding on winged sumac flowers. It points out that this is another good sign that fall is coming.
Common Longhorn Bees are Really Great Fall Pollinators shows readers a bee that is one of the earliest signs that fall is on its way. It explains some basic facts that are known about them. Finally, it tells readers where these bees were found.
Spiders Can be Amazing and Brilliant Sculptors features an intricate, three dimensional spider web spun around some twigs and perfectly illuminated by the morning sun. It tell readers about how the author/artist found it and her thoughts about it.
My Nighttime Visitor is a Beautiful Spotted Orb Weaver features photos of a female spotted orb weaver as she takes down her web in the morning. These nocturnal spiders make a new web every night and take it down each day.
Tinted Orb Weaver Mabel orchard orb weavers are very common on my property, so I have photographed them frequently. They...
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