One of my favorite fall flowers is the camphorweed. It is very pretty, smells good and attracts butterflies. Who could ask for more?
The dotted bee fly is very well adapted for it’s niche both physically and in it’s behavior. Learn more about this interesting little fly.
I love frogs of all types. The Southern cricket frog is an interesting frog that becomes very used to people and doesn’t mind sharing space with us.
One of the key aspects to taking good nature photographs is to learn patience. This is the story of how I learned that lesson the hard way.
The beautiful paper wasp may be able to sting, but it also has many benefits that help our environment.
Perspective Brings Out the Great Beauty of Common Bahia Grass
Bahia grass is a common lawn grass in the southern US, but see how a small change in perspective turns it into something of great beauty.
How to Use Its Specialized Life Cycle Against the Milkweed Stem Weevil
This is the story of using natural methods to help control a specific type of insect.
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes are Dangerous, but also Useful
Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnakes are dangerous, but they are also useful in balancing the environment.
One of the best ways to improve your nature photography results is to get to know as much as possible about your subjects.
A Challenge in Veterinary Medicine: Helping Clients Understand is an entertaining story about helping one man understand his dog’s surgery.
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