The Two Lined Spittlebug; a Beautiful Adult with Gross Larvae tells the story of how I discovered this species and their grass damaging larvae.
The Beautiful Green Anole is the Only Anole that is Native to the US
The Beautiful Green Anole is the Only Anole that is Native to the US gives some interesting information about the green anole and its struggle with the invasive brown anole for habitat.
How to Work With Composition to Take Great Nature Photographs gives photographers some tips on working with composition both preprocessing and post processing when taking nature photos.
How to Communicate with Clients in Veterinary Medicine is the story of how what I thought was a clear instruction was misinterpreted in an amusing way.
The Unusual Life Style of the Amaziing Scoliid Wasp tells the story of how the parasitic scoliid wasps reproduce, and how the help control pest beetle populations.
Boltonia or false aster is a fall blooming plant that produces white flowers with yellow centers. They are very well suited to the central Florida climate either in gardens or in the wild.
The Beautiful Florida State Butterfly, the Zebra Longwing tells some of the interesting and unique aspects of the Florida state butterfly.
All summer I had a little fence lizard who was out basking about the time I got home every afternoon. I suspect I annoyed him, but I did become fond of him.
One of the best ways to have fun with your photography and learn a lot is to join a photography group. It’s a scary thing to do, but for me it has been a great experience and I highly recommend it to everyone!
Lots of folks decide to not to spay their female dog for lots of reasons, but there are some very important reasons to do it. This article discusses four great reasons to spay your dog.
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