A Adorable Little Spider is the Regal Jumping Spider explains why this harmless little spider is really cute, and good to have around.
The Amazing and Beautiful Brown Katydid gives some interesting information about katydids, and tells the story of my struggle to Identify this individual.
An Unusual Sighting: A Pine Woods Tree Frog in January tells the story of a cute little tree frog out and about at an unusual time of the year.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Know Color discusses various basic aspects of color and how they work in photography.
The Dawn of A New Year!
The Dawn of a New Year wishes all of you a Happy 2021.
The Unusual Azalea that Flowered in the Fall is the story of a crazy azalea that flowered this fall instead of waiting for spring.
How to Deal With a Walking Stick in the Bathroom tells the story of what I did when I found a large female walking stick in my bathroom. It might not be what you think!
I Love The American Bullfrog Because it is Highly Adaptable
I Love the American Bullfrog Because it is Highly Adaptable discusses my experiences with American bullfrogs in both wet, swampy habitat and in the Florida sandhills.
Merry Christmas to All and to All a Good Night!
I Hope All of You Have a Happy Christmas Eve!
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