Eastern Blue Jays are Beautiful Birds that Do Well Around People describes how these birds interact with people and with other birds. It also touches on some other behaviors of the species.
Some Beautiful Pinks to Celebrate International Women’s Day is a collection of photographs that are strikingly pink in celebration of International Women’s Day.
Another Great Sign of Spring is the First Tree Frog tells about sighting a tee frog out looking for insects to eat in early spring. It also give a few facts about tree frog behavior and mating.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Know Texture discusses how textures can increase the depth and interest of photographs. It then goes into the aspects of light that go into creating texture in a flat image.
How to Feed Your Cat For a Long Healthy Life tells about several expensive and sometimes deadly medical conditions that can occur in cats fed an inappropriate diet. It also provides information on what cats require and why.
Hope You Enjoyed a Happy World Wildlife Day shares several wildlife photographs in honor of World Wildlife Day, March 3.
It’s Beautiful How Adaptable the Eastern Grey Squirrel Is discusses behavior and characteristics of the Eastern grey squirrel that have helped it to thrive in today’s world. It also compares it with some other species that are doing well.
Carolina Jessamine is a Beautiful Early Spring Bloom tells how the author found a familiar garden plant growing in the wild and discovered that it was native to Florida long before it was used in gardens. It also discusses some of the interesting aspects of this plant.
How Playing Dead Saved the Life of the Beetle is the story of the author’s interesting encounter with a long jointed beetle, and how it liked to play dead when it felt threatened.
How to Take Great Nature Photos: Understand Leading Lines tells readers what leading lines are and how to use them to create powerful compositions in nature photography. It also discusses how to practice using them.
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